Monday, 26 March 2012

Introduction of My Chinese Herbal Shop

Welcome to My  Chinese Herbal Shop a reference guide for popular Chinese herbs and other herbal supplements known to build and strengthen the body.
A human being is an essential part of nature. Nowadays many of us forget about it, trying to find the way out of some difficulty inventing something new, when, actually, nature has already got all the necessary material to provide our normal living. It especially concerns our health.

No doubt, official medicine has reached great success in treating different diseases and rescuing many people’s lives from the claws of death. However, folk remedies, which effectiveness was proved in practice by using them for thousands of years, must not be dismissed out of hands. Furthermore, today official medicine tends toward employing traditional folk methods of treatment in many situations.

First Official Copy of Chinese Herbal Receipe

Phytotherapy is the crucial constituent of folk medicine. It has a long history and broad experience. Hippocrates, whom we often call “the father of medicine”, used more than 200 herbs and other natural supplements for treating different diseases. Not only herbalists, but even ordinary people knew about the curative forces of many herbs and used them for keeping and restoring the normal body functions, for improving health to feel better and live longer.

There was hardly a country in the world, the inhabitants of which did not use herbs and herbal supplements with medical aim and in everyday life: Greeks and Europeans, people of Ancient Rome and Kyiv Rus, Indians and especially the inhabitants of China (that is why today we often identify many herbs as Chinese).

Nowadays phytotherapy gains more and more popularity as it offers the chance of alternative treatment for those, who are not satisfied with modern synthetic medications’ effectiveness or cannot use them for some reason (about 10% of patients are reported not to respond properly and adequately to the modern medications). Moreover, one of the most appealing qualities and advantages of phytotherapy and Chinese herbs is the low risk of adverse reaction or side effects, especially in comparison to pharmaceutical drugs.

To find the possibility of using herbs and various natural supplements in the official medicine, multiple trials are carried out by the most advanced scientists. They work on discovering the source of herbs’ effectiveness, power over the human bodies and their active constituents.

Since now and on all our clien have the possibility to join the world of phytotherapy and Chinese herbs to get acquainted with various plants, their traditional usage, their place in the modern medicine, the range of their activity, as well as the risks and precautions while using them.

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